Friday, October 30, 2009

HAVE A HAPPY HALLOWEEN..................

It's that time of year again.......... .......... when we get ready for those cheeky little trick or treaters and have scrummy treats ready on the hall table ..........
.......... and wonderful Halloween dinners for family and friends ..........

.......... with wonderful things to eat and drink ..........

.......... and decorate our houses..... inside and out ..........

.......... and dress the children in original outfits, that are either fun....or embarrassing .........

.......... and dress ourselves up in our own Halloween outfits ..........

.......... and have terrific parties ..........

.......... and drink scary wine ..........

.......... and eat scary food ..........

.......... and scary cupcakes ..........but .......... I'm just lulling you all into a false sense of security because ..........

.......... it's really all about scary stuff, things that are hiding in corners ..........

.......... or under the stairs ..........

.......... or in darkened rooms ..........

.......... on buses ..........

.......... in your bedroom ..........

.......... in corridors ..........

.......... on your eyeball !!!!!!!!!! ..........

.......... and they want your blood ..........

.......... Shreiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick..........
Don't forget to look behind you.
Have fun everybody.

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Happy birthday!

Zondag wordt onze jongste dochter 12 jaar!

Wat gaat het allemaal toch hard…ik kan het mij nog zo goed herinneren dat ze geboren werd! Ze was als baby een schatje…ze sliep overdag weinig, maar ze kon zich zo goed vermaken dat ik haar aanwezigheid soms haast vergat. Op deze foto staat (of beter...zit) ze samen met haar grote zus!


Hier inmiddels 11 jaar!!
Deze foto’s zijn afgelopen zomer gemaakt tijdens onze vakantie in Italië.


Het zijn twee heerlijke meiden!!!

 Lieve schat, van harte gefeliciteerd met je 12e verjaardag en we wensen je zondag een hele gezellige dag toe!
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Monday, October 26, 2009


In september (zie post september 2009) gingen we een weekendje samen weg en ik zou mijzelf niet zijn als ik van te voren niet zou kijken welke woonwinkels er allemaal op de route liggen! Mijn lieverd vindt een heleboel goed, vond de route ook goed en was ook nog eens enthousiast over deze twee steigerhouten tafeltjes! Al vóórdat we op onze bestemming waren aangekomen, lag de kofferbak vol! De zinken bladen had ik al!

Later nog wat aanpassingen gedaan
toen de herfst zijn intrede deed!


Een hele fijne dag gewenst!!
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A SOAK IN THE TUB ..........

As much as I love a shower, you can't beat a long, hot soak in the bath and here are some that I wouldn't mind in my house.......... I wouldn't be able to have this one in my house as I haven't got anything like this view from any of my windows, but, a girl can dream would have to be very careful that you hadn't left the soap on the floor when you got out, wouldn't you ?!! Could end up flying out of the window !!......... another wonderful view although, methinks that this is just a staged bathroom but I don't makes a great photograph !!!!

I love this one...romantic, pretty but still seems practical....ish.

I certainly wouldn't mind having a bath in here.......... sort of like bathing in Victorian times but with all of the modern conveniences.

Modern stainless steel fittings with a traditional feel.

Wonderful steel bath and I love the colour of the walls. I don't think that I would have chosen that colour but, it looks great.

Probably a last resort, this one !!!!!!!
I will be taking into the bathroom the following..........

Jo Malone bath oil..........

.......... a cup of tea and a good book ..........

..........maybe replace the cup of tea with a glass of red wine .........and finally..........

.......... a box of champagne truffles..........

.......... see you in about 2 hours !!!!!!!!!!

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Friday, October 23, 2009

Cloches (à Paris…?)

Nee, deze foto heb ik niet genomen bij een hotel in Parijs…


maar lekker in mijn eigen vertrouwde huisje…!


Ik zag dit dienblad bij Xenos en ik wist ook wat ik er mee wilde…mijn verzameling glazen stolpen had zich de laatste tijd behoorlijk uitgebreid en ik wilde de stolpen uit de keuken hebben en wat meer onder de aandacht brengen in de woonkamer. Maar je kent het wel……dan moet er van alles geschoven worden, want op de plek waar je het dan neer wil zetten, staat wat anders, dat moet dan ook verschoven worden…..maar ik wil het weer niet te vol…….! Tja…!

Maar om het verhaal af te maken…eenmaal thuis kon ik er lekker mee aan de slag! Wat dennenappels en kastanjes erbij voor de herfstsfeer…!



Bij X.enos en A.ction kun je voor een heel leuk prijsje goed terecht voor glazen stolpen…!

Een fijn weekend gewenst!!
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Having just finished painting three rooms in Farrow and Ball off-whites, I am thinking all things white...... soooooo.......... ....gorgeous distressed door and delightful heart escutcheon ( OOooo , big word for this time of night !!!!)..........
Beautiful bedroom filled with everything that I love ... candles, cushions.... silks, satins ... lavish and luxurious ..... just like me !!!! Haha..........

.......... pure simplicity that works so well...... better get those pebbles off of the chair or there could be a nasty accident !!!!

......... girl in white dress, in tree with balloons .... a common practice, here in England !!!! No, really, isn't this a lovely photograph ? ..........

.......... just really pretty .... and white ..... and beautiful ..........

.......... everybody say *W O W* ..... wouldn't this be a wonderful place for wedding photographs ?......sighs all round ........ ............ such a beautiful bedroom and the lovely grey mural just finishes it off, doesn't it ? ..........
.......... oh dear, looks like the tree wasn't for her, she has now found a window to sit in !!!! I think that I would look a lot happier than she is, if I was wearing that dress .... it's gorgeous. Oh well, there's no pleasing some people, is there ?!!!!

.... .......... now, I didn't know that there were albino peacocks, let alone, see one. Isn't he beautiful ? I thought that ordinary peacocks were beautiful, but this takes the prize. What a spectacle ..........
.......... a slight cheat here ,as the teeniest weeniest bit of the palest pink crept in ...... but one of my favourite bedrooms................... another beautiful bedroom for a littley (let me know if I'm boring you !!!!) ..........
.......... you can wake up now, I've got a dresser to show you now. I love everything about this, the colour (I wasn't brave enough to paint mine !!!!), the china, that little touch of colour (?)........ and finally ..........
............. a wonderland of all things white and beautiful. As I said earlier, I have just finished painting three rooms in Farrow and Ball whites, and not one of my rooms have turned out like any of these rooms !!!! Can anyone tell me why my rooms don't look like the rooms in magazines ?!!!! I think that it's the lighting and the profesional photography !!!!.......never mind, I'm sure they will look quite good by the time I've finished with them !!!! If they turn out well, I'll take photos and show you. Until that time, I will bid you all adieu and I wish you all a womderful week.


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