BY INVITATION ..... Guest Author .....

Our BIO subject this month is to find a non-blogger to do a guest post..... not easy !!  Most people that I know are either bloggers themselves , are too busy to do it or they are not interested !!
I finally begged and bribed someone to do a little something for me  ..... he told me what he wanted to do and I provided a selection of images for him to choose from so, there was a little help from me !.....


..... it's goodbye from me and over to him .....

OK , well, whether you like it or not, I'm your temporary, friendly, neighbourhood blogger for the day. Here I am in unknown territory --- and what a strange world it is for the uninitiated --- my brush with Blogtopia [ I have been briefed on that word ] means that my life has become, just for a while, like that of the lives in those Round Robin letters that we all have fall on the mat every Christmas --- they all seem to be living the perfect life --- the life of Riley.
 I need to embrace the 'Lifestyle' genre.
But, not for me the girly, fluffy images --- OH NO --- a little machismo is needed --- gotta show just what us blokes like BUT in the style of ' HOME ' --- can't let those standards drop can we ?
I've had a look at a few blogs and I am jumping on the bandwagon and entering that world of beautiful people and perfection. 

I have to say that I am definitely cooler on the Internet --- I can be anyone I like.

 but, unfortunately, it's only in my head. 

 And now, for my piece de resistance, my manly YouTube video, even you ladies might enjoy this one. It's only a couple of minutes long and has some good sound effects. A bit phallic, I know, which wasn't the intention but, hey ho.

via YouTube

Part of the Imax movie ' Roving Mars '

Thanks for bearing with me on my ' virgin blogging flight ' . You never know, perhaps I'll start a blog of my own after this.


For more ' guest bloggers ' pop over to see Marsha  where she has all of the links.

image 1: via tech geek, image 2: via twenty three four, image 3, 6, 10, 12, 14 & 16: via rain storms, image 4: via fusion 45, image 5: via lutim stylo, image 7:via we heart it, image 8 & 11: via crossing island cool life, image 9; via margadirube, image 13: via it means moto, image 15: via these times will pass.
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